Sunday, January 15, 2006


Again... I hate this kind of emotion feeling.

Very tiring afternoon, spended an hour in the car just to find a parking. This is really bad that I've never experinced before. I kinda lost my patience, luckily I saw hope infront of me when that was a car coming out from the parking space. Park the car, got off the car, walked into the Jusco, look for jean. Camel jean costs me around RM98. Look nice but not suitable until when my mom told me because it looks like peggy-size.

Tiring... Wonderful Bed. I slept for about 30 minutes. When I woke up, suppose to feel better than before. I felt worst in term of emotional. Couldn't explain why but surely this is not the first time.

... Feeling ...
... Stree ...

.... :"""<

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