Saturday, February 11, 2006

4 hours


It was 1am in the midnight... I called my fren... but she didn't answer my call...

So I went to wash out... My phone rangs.. It was she.. okay. I picked up the call...

We talk from 0-inifinite, from head to toe, from east to west, from north to south....

We talked on the Handphone for more then 4 hours... :) Wow... that is current 2006 longest hours record... :)

2molo class at 8.45 but then I have to wake up 7.15. It is almost 5am something in the morning, I have only 1 or 2 hours to sleep only.. haih.. 2molo really de tire-ness.....

haha~~ My fren more worst, she woke up late to office. Hope her boss will forgive her... :)

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