Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Wig

I was cleaning my house this morning and as I was doin my cleaning. I found a piece of paper. It was the movie tickets. Ooo.. This movie tickets I suppose to post in my blog but how didn't I forgot to post.... Okay.

Well, late better then nothing. This movie tickets is special and has memory in it. :)

1.) What was the special-ness and memory-ness to ME???

Okay. Simple needed not to say.
kekekek~~ This is the 1st horror movie I watched with a girl. Okay. I repeat is a girl. She invited me to watch horror movie. I was thinking to watch a horror movie too, but so happen this girl came and ask me for a horror movie. How could I not to accept the offer, isn't it?

Okay. Rach. I know what want to say!! kekeke~~

2.) Is "The Wig" really that scary?
It was very scary. not really la. The sound effect and the chaning of scence only scary. Other than that it was fun... :)

Okay. I would like to end here and get back to my cleaning now.. Cya~~

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