Monday, March 20, 2006

End of mid term holiday

It was holiday for the past whole week. While looking back, it was just like a split of light passing through unconciously, if i have a choice i will certainly choose to live again for the past week. However, time will never be running backward unless u urself tune ur clock/watch but that certainly not make sence and even if u tune ur clock/watch, the actual world is already in front of you. If u do this, I think u are leaving far far behind.

Anyway, Just share or glance some of the events that I had been gone through for the past week.

Monday, forgotten. hehe~~
Tuesday, went to The Mines to shopped with a fren.
Wednesday, went to watch 2 become 1 in Mid Valley with a bunch of fren.
Thursday, went to watch Final Destination 3 IOI Mall with a fren.
Friday, Pot Bless, Celebration for SPM-ians, and fellowship together with frens.
Saturday, Rushing to be done for the assignment.
Sunday, 1)Church-morning service. 2)lunch with parent

Friday, Pot Bless, Celebration for SPM-ians, and fellowship together with frens.
The food is good,
the non-alcoholic juice is nice,
the movie is fascinating, the title of the movie is "Left behind". I'm not so sure the whole story is about. But for the end part, the msg that it wanted to bring across is about the salvation. Which mean in life, salvation is important then virtorious.

Well, basically today I can keep myself to be abit relax because the assignment has been finished and has been hands out to the lecturer. I should indulge myself with some ice-cream.. hmm... rite?? Okay.

Stop Here! May God Bless You! LOVE YOU ALL!

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