Monday, September 18, 2006

Nightmare or just Coincidence?

It was a fine and fresh day of the week. Everything seem normal and usual. I woke up in the morning I took my bath then went to college for test!

When everything seem too usual and normal. Never expected I being chosen the one. Maybe I shouldn't put at this way rather I should say that I wasn't take precoution of it or maybe not aware of it.

It seem so ordinary to me but not for my friend. For 12 years she's been staying in the house, she fell while climbing the staircase yesterday. This morning as she wanted to take her lunch so she went to the kitchen. she saw a lizard and she was very afraid of it. As usual, she try to scare it away. However this lizard seem to be ordinary but not ordinary of it action. This lizard have no sign of afraidness rather it starring and looking at her. She gave up and came to college. While as she was driving to college half way on the road the windscreen of the car cracked partially automatically. After that, she reached college then we went for lunch.

After lunch, we went to my fren house for studying. From Puchong to Belakong is a long distance drive. We reached there and opened the booth of the car. As she is opening the booth I was looking and waiting to took the stuffs.


All of the sudden... EMPTY!!!

Just a second to react and respone... Just like split second... like a flash passes through in my mind...

" Where is it? Have I put it somewhere? "

She start to asked me Q.! Did u put it in WK car? I replied NO! I saw the book is there and I was clearly identified and comfirmed that I put it there but it was EMPTY now!
We to called up my fren where they are entering the house. They came out and find it out what has goin on. We are all shocked!

The first thing in our mind is... Thief! The laptops is been stole! We check everywhere then we came to this key hole of the booth. Is been cracked! Although u put ur key into it but it stuck!
We couldn't do anything but the first things we do is went to Police Station to make a report for prove and protection for us if something happend in the future.

Well, everyone seem to be calm and able to chit-chat and making fun. Both of us felt so sad about the incident. The sadness thing is that we lost the most important and expensive laptop. None other than what we can do, we try to calm ourself down hope that is feeling of sadness may be gone when time soon and also hope that our parent will not react to intensively of the incident that we lost of the laptop.

Thanks God that is always here with me. He reminds me that whatever that is happened He is always there and not left me. When u see two foots print in the sand is doesn't mean you are walking alone rather He is carrying you because the two foots print is belongs to Him.

I pray that God will protect us. I also pray that the thieves in this country will stop stealing and find the truth and only way to eternity from only the God.

Stop Stealing!

Do Not Put Your Valuable Stuffs In The Car or u might be ends up one of the victim like us. Don't try your luck is only 50 - 50.

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