Wednesday, October 18, 2006

[Exam] - Pass is not enough

To pass a module is almost not a problem if u had study. To fail a module is a tragedy.

Today I'm heading for exam for the CSA(Computer System Architecture) then following by IA(Internet Application) by tomorrow.

With all the unprepared, everything seems to be in the struggle when actually u can go with confidence and aiming for higher expectation but as for now I would just need to get above a pass which mean a credit to secure my PTPTN loan so that finacially will be more secure and lighten my parent burden where they already bought me a new laptop which the previous one has been stolen. In the midst of difficuties, I very thankful that the new laptop could just arrieved in time a week before exam. Otherwise, I guess I could fail all subjects or few.

When things is turning upside down, it could turn ur entire plan to be halt or change to an entire different way to approach to a finish line. I felt that is just as a race, when things isn't goes well of what u had in ur plan or stragety, u might just end up behind the race.

Ok la... 8.38am now, I should go prepare myself now to go to collge la. Wish me all the best la!!! Wakaka...


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