Monday, January 30, 2006

Day 2 and Day 3 in Hometown

Day 2 I would just like to skip it b'coz I couldn't remember exactly what has gone through as is today already Day 4 in hometown.

++ Day 3 ++
So. I just like to share a little boring life for day 3 in my little cute cute hometown. I woke up pretty late, I have a very good quality of sleep in hometown compare to my home in Puchong. I didn't sure why, but I guess b'coz hometown have no much activities can do and of couse no frens are around that is why have no burden and could have a good sleep.

Today is vegetarian where we could only ate non-meat for the day. We took brunch in the late morning. Hmm.. well, the taste of it is not good as last year, coz all the noodles were melted and the tao fu is not soft enough and the fu zhu is also not very good.

After eaten, parent and I went to one of my uncle(father's yuongest brother) house for reunion. This occasion has been pratice since my grandparent passed away. All brothers of my father came back, although they canme quite late but still foods has not been prepared. lol... I have 4 yuonger cousin sister and 1 yuonger cousin brother.. hehe~~ they are range from age 5-12. The youngest are the boy... He kena bulied by all the elder cousin sister and his sister also. GGGirlsssss... haih.. GirlS ARE BAD!!! eheeh~~ just kidding.

After we took the lunch about 2++pm, well, they all have a conversation. I dun like to be there, b;coz I find it bore, bore, bore. No one was there are in the same age as me, so hardly to find ppl to talk, rather I just seated on the chair, take stuffs to makan, makan, and makan. That is the only things that I can do. They have a little gambling among brothers and sister and their wives as well while the children running around the BIG BIG Bunglow and watched TV in the room. Haih.... BORe~~~~BOre~~~~I wish no CNY!!!!

I slept for a little while in the living room. At nightime, we had our homecook wan tan mee and leftover stuffs from lunch for our dinner then only we taken off back to home in hometown at Batu Gajah. oo .. yea.. btw, my uncle stay in Ipoh. :)

While we reached home, some more got guests were here for visiting my mom and my mother's side family. Is already 10pm, I cannot tahan, I just took a bath and play computer for a short while. I play only from 11 to 12 just a short while only.. jkekeekek~~~

Okay. I passed the game to my little yuonger cousin (mother bro's son). he play until 1am in the midnight, I yelleeeed him to sleep b'coz it was too late for him and me also... hehe~~

Okay.. Is already 11:38am shown by my laptop as I was goin shut off the laptop now. hehe~~ will write if have time later tonite... :)

Take care for all of u... who knows me and dunno me.. ekkeke~~


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