Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Day 4 & Day 5 in hometown

For day 4,
I forgot what has happen this day. But I know that has few relatives paid a visit here and I got few extra ang pow.
My cousin sister and his husband came, I earn 2 ang pow from her. hehe~~ She just 3 years older than me.... So yuong.. I also wan to marry by age of 23... kekek~~ jsut kidding.. :)

Okay. That is all for the day.

Day 5,
This is another day of no tomorrow. My fren rang me up when I was still layin on the sweet sweet bed in the fresh morning where sun was just saying hallo.
My fren called: " Allo... Tai Go, wake up meh ..?? breakfast lo... be ready in 10 minute ya .. tata."
Me: Okay.

After 10 minutes...
My fren: Oui.... Fei... Oui... Fei...
Me: oooooo
My fren: U gao tim already ar..??
Me: I'm still holding my toothbrush la.. what do u think??
Me: Why dun u come in and get some ang pow..?
My fren: Okay.

After another 10 minutes...
Me: Oui.. Let's go I gao timm.
My fren: Let's walk to there...
Me: Are u sure..? Ok. Let's go.

After we finished our breakfast. All of my frens decided to go for mah jong gamble.
Ahm Ahm... Okay. Yalor...

Went home for lunch. We pay a visit to my one of my fren's house. OK. It has been long long time I have never seen his mother and father. They were good obviously. After this, we went to my fren's house for 2nd round of Mah Jong..
Ahm Ahm... RM10 only la..

5pm.. We went off to home and it was very tire, I took a nap. okay. I think this is all about it for the day.

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