Sunday, March 05, 2006

3 of March 2006

Friday (3 March 2006)

This is a tiring day even i went to bed early. After classes came back to house. Broadband connection isn't working, called up to them and made a report and complain. Then only 2 technicals guys came and change a new D-Link Modem and finally plug the wire to on9 so that it can be used.

After they went off, sit infront for like 3 hours. Then only i went to have a good nap. During my sleeping, few calls and messages has waken me. IT IS BAD that i couldn't have peaceful sleep. :(

I woke up, resting... suddenly a my hphone ringing. It was a her. She doesn't sound good when I first hear her voice. Anyway, I did what she had told.

It rains heavy the traffic is bad. I hardly see the car infront of me neither the back. Thank God we all safely reached the distination and the rains stopped when we reached. :)
Hmm.. nothing much happened in the house, we were the 1st car to arrived and we did watch the movie and did a little prayer. :)

Was suprise when Josh came in with the cake. Unfortunelately, he can't see me even though i was infront of him.. kekeke~~ b'coz they wan to celebrate my b'day mahhh!! :)

After the teaching, sharing and discussion, then they all celebrate with me. Deep down inside my heart, it was warm, touch, and emotional because I'm really so glad that they celebrated my b'day! I'm really so so de thankful to them. :0

PCCG means alot to me.... I LOVE PCCG and I LOVE ALL OF U GUYS!!!!

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