Sunday, March 05, 2006

5 minutes after 12

I was late to be arrived at the mamak before the clock turns 12. I supposed to be there b4 12 but couln't make it cause of many excuses. :0...

The reason why I needed to be there b'coz I AM B'DAY boy mahh!!! I turned 20 on the 4th of March 2006. They gave me a card and a present. For many years, I had never received b'day card along with present. But for this year, is special and means alot to me. They mean alot to me. Thanks 2 my 2 girl-friends and 1 guy fren. They were those who gave me card along with present. Thanks GUYS for it. This is really an unforgettable moment for my age of 20.

Thank YOu!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL.

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