Sunday, March 04, 2007

[birthday] - 21!

Time passes like light!

I still remember when I was 18 years old. I was long for 21 years old. However, when dream came true and I'm not hoping! Life is really out of control. Indeed it isn't! I thought with the "KEY" I will be different, no it isn't!

Age before the 21, I thought everything should be get on track and on the road but it doesn't. It turns out to be better but not good enough. Something is still missing, something is still underperforming and something is not happen yet! I'm long for it, but what???

Anyway, I am very enjoyed the night of the celebration of my 21's birthday at YY house! Many of my friends came and organize it. If wouldn't had them, is just another day for me! Thank You for all my friends who still preserves me in ur heart! Especially for a friend who still remember what I told before when I was 18 years old of what I long for for my 21's birthday. Even though is not really success but still made it for 99%. I wish you all well and happy-est!!

So fast and so slow, nevertheless It was 21 years old! Is the 21 years I’ve been in Earth!!! YEAH!!! ;)

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